<正> In recent years,characteristics of the good lan-guage learner have been identified.It has been pro-posed that learning strategies based on these character-istics can be taught to students and a number of mate-rials for learner training are available.However,published data and my research indicate that successin language learning may be more complex than suchan approach would suggest.Attempts to translate thetheory behind learner training into practice have pro-duced only qualified success.Among some of the fac-tors complicating the implementation of learner train-ing are motivation and attitudes,the cultural or edu-cational background of students,students'andteachers'beliefs about language learning,and cogni-tive styles.Therefore,teachers should approach theimplementation of learner training with caution.
2000年02期 2-6页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 123K] [下载次数:50 ] |[阅读次数:0 ] |[引用频次:0 ] <正> In recent years,characteristics of the good lan-guage learner have been identified.It has been pro-posed that learning strategies based on these character-istics can be taught to students and a number of mate-rials for learner training are available.However,published data and my research indicate that successin language learning may be more complex than suchan approach would suggest.Attempts to translate thetheory behind learner training into practice have pro-duced only qualified success.Among some of the fac-tors complicating the implementation of learner train-ing are motivation and attitudes,the cultural or edu-cational background of students,students'andteachers'beliefs about language learning,and cogni-tive styles.Therefore,teachers should approach theimplementation of learner training with caution.
2000年02期 2-6页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 123K] [下载次数:50 ] |[阅读次数:0 ] |[引用频次:0 ] -
<正> This paper expounds the point of view that wordteaching should be integrated with grammar,syntaxand discourse in coordination with the training ofcommunicative skills and relearning of old words.
2000年02期 7-10页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 89K] [下载次数:73 ] |[阅读次数:0 ] |[引用频次:2 ] <正> This paper expounds the point of view that wordteaching should be integrated with grammar,syntaxand discourse in coordination with the training ofcommunicative skills and relearning of old words.
2000年02期 7-10页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 89K] [下载次数:73 ] |[阅读次数:0 ] |[引用频次:2 ] -
<正> It has long been argued that little or no classroomattention is given to vocabulary(Carter,1987;Zim-merman,1997),whereas the opposite might be saidof Chinese tertiary English majors.But problems stillremain:Does more time spent on vocabulary teachingand learning prove effective?Does more attentionneed to be paid to the quality of teaching and learningof vocabulary?To answer these questions,I argue inthis article for a balance of quality and quantity of at-tention to vocabulary development.In the first partof the article,I present five common procedures invocabulary teaching and learning in Chinese collegesand universities and analyse the reasons for the low ef-ficiency in vocabulary teaching and learning.In thesecond,I put forward three techniques—a semanticmapping activity,creating meaningful contexts andusing an integrated approach in teaching and learningvocabulary.
2000年02期 11-13页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 70K] [下载次数:71 ] |[阅读次数:0 ] |[引用频次:2 ] <正> It has long been argued that little or no classroomattention is given to vocabulary(Carter,1987;Zim-merman,1997),whereas the opposite might be saidof Chinese tertiary English majors.But problems stillremain:Does more time spent on vocabulary teachingand learning prove effective?Does more attentionneed to be paid to the quality of teaching and learningof vocabulary?To answer these questions,I argue inthis article for a balance of quality and quantity of at-tention to vocabulary development.In the first partof the article,I present five common procedures invocabulary teaching and learning in Chinese collegesand universities and analyse the reasons for the low ef-ficiency in vocabulary teaching and learning.In thesecond,I put forward three techniques—a semanticmapping activity,creating meaningful contexts andusing an integrated approach in teaching and learningvocabulary.
2000年02期 11-13页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 70K] [下载次数:71 ] |[阅读次数:0 ] |[引用频次:2 ] -
<正> This paper adopts a pedagogical approach to theteaching of English writing to EFL learners of interme-diate or advanced level in China.The teaching ofwriting has been a problem to Chinese EFL teachers fora long time.On the one hand,they want to make anattempt to adopt fashionable and effective Englishwriting approaches,like process writing.On the otherhand,they are frustrated by the traditional Chinesewriting method.Some of our language educators arealways struggling against the influence of our tradi-tional Chinese writing method.A negative attitudetowards our mother tongue writing approach has beenestablished or accepted by most of our EFL teachers,which result in the EFL learners'panic in their Eng-lish writing course because they are afraid of being ac-cused of writing a Chinese composition in Englishwords.Needless to say,this kind of teaching stylecannot be effective and is frustrating instead.The au-thor presents an integrated and practical solution tothis problem and discusses the applicability of the ap-proach.The author discusses how we can effectivelyintegrate the traditional Chinese writing method andthe popular process writing approach in teaching Eng-lish writing.
2000年02期 14-17页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 79K] [下载次数:243 ] |[阅读次数:0 ] |[引用频次:3 ] <正> This paper adopts a pedagogical approach to theteaching of English writing to EFL learners of interme-diate or advanced level in China.The teaching ofwriting has been a problem to Chinese EFL teachers fora long time.On the one hand,they want to make anattempt to adopt fashionable and effective Englishwriting approaches,like process writing.On the otherhand,they are frustrated by the traditional Chinesewriting method.Some of our language educators arealways struggling against the influence of our tradi-tional Chinese writing method.A negative attitudetowards our mother tongue writing approach has beenestablished or accepted by most of our EFL teachers,which result in the EFL learners'panic in their Eng-lish writing course because they are afraid of being ac-cused of writing a Chinese composition in Englishwords.Needless to say,this kind of teaching stylecannot be effective and is frustrating instead.The au-thor presents an integrated and practical solution tothis problem and discusses the applicability of the ap-proach.The author discusses how we can effectivelyintegrate the traditional Chinese writing method andthe popular process writing approach in teaching Eng-lish writing.
2000年02期 14-17页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 79K] [下载次数:243 ] |[阅读次数:0 ] |[引用频次:3 ] -
<正> Group revision has proved to be a very importantstep in process writing and yet it has not receivedmuch attention to in English teaching in China.Thispaper explores the problems related to peer group revi-sion in China,and provides suggestions for solving theproblems and a practical guide for group revision.In teaching writing to English majors in ShanxiTeachers'University in China,the author found aproblem which is common to all students in China.Though teachers have emphasised the importance ofrevision in writing and given students time to revise,students seem to benefit little from it.Later,withfurther study and experiments,the author found thatpeer group revision is an effective activity in helpingstudents benefit from revisions and improve theirwriting.Research on the process of composing emphasis-es both the role of revision in the evolution of thetext and the roe of feedback in the teaching andlearning of writing.Much research has been done onthe different aspects of peer group revision(Nelsonand Carson,1998;Villamil & Guerrero,1996).Based on these findings and the author's own experi-ence,this paper is meant to provide a practical guideto how to ensure effective peer feedback and conse-quent revision.
2000年02期 18-21页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 77K] [下载次数:69 ] |[阅读次数:0 ] |[引用频次:3 ] <正> Group revision has proved to be a very importantstep in process writing and yet it has not receivedmuch attention to in English teaching in China.Thispaper explores the problems related to peer group revi-sion in China,and provides suggestions for solving theproblems and a practical guide for group revision.In teaching writing to English majors in ShanxiTeachers'University in China,the author found aproblem which is common to all students in China.Though teachers have emphasised the importance ofrevision in writing and given students time to revise,students seem to benefit little from it.Later,withfurther study and experiments,the author found thatpeer group revision is an effective activity in helpingstudents benefit from revisions and improve theirwriting.Research on the process of composing emphasis-es both the role of revision in the evolution of thetext and the roe of feedback in the teaching andlearning of writing.Much research has been done onthe different aspects of peer group revision(Nelsonand Carson,1998;Villamil & Guerrero,1996).Based on these findings and the author's own experi-ence,this paper is meant to provide a practical guideto how to ensure effective peer feedback and conse-quent revision.
2000年02期 18-21页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 77K] [下载次数:69 ] |[阅读次数:0 ] |[引用频次:3 ] -
<正> Listening comprehension has been a focus ofteaching second language for many years in China.However,there are many problems in the practicallistening class,such as a distorted listening motiva-tion,a lack of sufficient and authentic input and acorresponding neglect of metacognitive awareness oflearning in actual teaching.In fact,what we are do-ing in the listening class is to test rather than to teach,to foster the passive receiver rather than the activelearner.This article analyzes these problems from the-oretical perspective,speculating on the limitations interms of the comprehensible input,the affective filterand metacognitive awareness.Then,based on theauthor's teaching experience,it provides some sugges-tions to solve the present problems.It suggests what isneeded in teaching listening is careful consideration ofpre-,during and post-listening tasks incorporatingboth the top-down and bottom-up processes.
2000年02期 22-26页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 143K] [下载次数:85 ] |[阅读次数:0 ] |[引用频次:6 ] <正> Listening comprehension has been a focus ofteaching second language for many years in China.However,there are many problems in the practicallistening class,such as a distorted listening motiva-tion,a lack of sufficient and authentic input and acorresponding neglect of metacognitive awareness oflearning in actual teaching.In fact,what we are do-ing in the listening class is to test rather than to teach,to foster the passive receiver rather than the activelearner.This article analyzes these problems from the-oretical perspective,speculating on the limitations interms of the comprehensible input,the affective filterand metacognitive awareness.Then,based on theauthor's teaching experience,it provides some sugges-tions to solve the present problems.It suggests what isneeded in teaching listening is careful consideration ofpre-,during and post-listening tasks incorporatingboth the top-down and bottom-up processes.
2000年02期 22-26页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 143K] [下载次数:85 ] |[阅读次数:0 ] |[引用频次:6 ] -
<正> A good textbook should guide teachers by comply-ing with and providing information about the funda-mental theories and principles of modern languageteaching approaches.This paper analyses the problemsexisting in the widely used textbook for non-Englishmajors College English Focus Listening,and puts for-wards some suggestions for the improvement of thetextbook.
2000年02期 27-30页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 94K] [下载次数:58 ] |[阅读次数:0 ] |[引用频次:0 ] <正> A good textbook should guide teachers by comply-ing with and providing information about the funda-mental theories and principles of modern languageteaching approaches.This paper analyses the problemsexisting in the widely used textbook for non-Englishmajors College English Focus Listening,and puts for-wards some suggestions for the improvement of thetextbook.
2000年02期 27-30页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 94K] [下载次数:58 ] |[阅读次数:0 ] |[引用频次:0 ] -
<正> In teaching English pronunciation,intonationoften poses difficulties to Chinese teachers.This paperpresents an approach of intonation teaching whichconsists of the following points:1)compare Chineseand English intonation;2)analyze the structure ofEnglish intonation;3)guide practice through imita-tion;4)emphasize the functions of English intona-tion.
2000年02期 31-35页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 108K] [下载次数:234 ] |[阅读次数:0 ] |[引用频次:0 ] <正> In teaching English pronunciation,intonationoften poses difficulties to Chinese teachers.This paperpresents an approach of intonation teaching whichconsists of the following points:1)compare Chineseand English intonation;2)analyze the structure ofEnglish intonation;3)guide practice through imita-tion;4)emphasize the functions of English intona-tion.
2000年02期 31-35页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 108K] [下载次数:234 ] |[阅读次数:0 ] |[引用频次:0 ] -
<正> Information of The SymposiumTime:19-22 May,2001Place:Beijing Foreign Studies University,Beijing,PR ChinaTheme:China' ELT in the 21st Century:Theory and PracticeOrganiser:China English Language Education AssociationSponsor:Foreign Language Teaching and Research PressTopics:
2000年02期 36页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 14K] [下载次数:33 ] |[阅读次数:0 ] |[引用频次:6 ] <正> Information of The SymposiumTime:19-22 May,2001Place:Beijing Foreign Studies University,Beijing,PR ChinaTheme:China' ELT in the 21st Century:Theory and PracticeOrganiser:China English Language Education AssociationSponsor:Foreign Language Teaching and Research PressTopics:
2000年02期 36页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 14K] [下载次数:33 ] |[阅读次数:0 ] |[引用频次:6 ] -
<正> This paper will first focus on a brief evaluation ofthe teacher-centered and the learner-centered method-ologies.Then,it presents the practical ways of teach-ing based on the learner-centered approach in class-rooms to show how students'initiative is given fullplay.Finally,it presents the guidance from fellowstudents and teachers in group activitis.The purposeof the learner-centered approach is to develop students'communicative ability
2000年02期 37-41页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 102K] [下载次数:239 ] |[阅读次数:0 ] |[引用频次:10 ] <正> This paper will first focus on a brief evaluation ofthe teacher-centered and the learner-centered method-ologies.Then,it presents the practical ways of teach-ing based on the learner-centered approach in class-rooms to show how students'initiative is given fullplay.Finally,it presents the guidance from fellowstudents and teachers in group activitis.The purposeof the learner-centered approach is to develop students'communicative ability
2000年02期 37-41页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 102K] [下载次数:239 ] |[阅读次数:0 ] |[引用频次:10 ] -
<正> 1 Changes in College-English TeachingMethodology:a NecessityThere used to be an idea among some people thatteaching College-English for non-English-major stu-dents was much easier than for English-major stu-dents.There might have been something in this pointof view then,but things are definitely undergoing achange now.If we make a comparison between theNew Teaching Program for Non-English-major Col-lege Students and the Teaching Program for English
2000年02期 42-44页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 62K] [下载次数:282 ] |[阅读次数:0 ] |[引用频次:1 ] <正> 1 Changes in College-English TeachingMethodology:a NecessityThere used to be an idea among some people thatteaching College-English for non-English-major stu-dents was much easier than for English-major stu-dents.There might have been something in this pointof view then,but things are definitely undergoing achange now.If we make a comparison between theNew Teaching Program for Non-English-major Col-lege Students and the Teaching Program for English
2000年02期 42-44页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 62K] [下载次数:282 ] |[阅读次数:0 ] |[引用频次:1 ] -
<正> Video in language teaching offers exciting possi-bilities to train learners'communicative competence.This article introduces five different techniques in us-ing video in the language class so as to bring about in-teraction between video,students and teacher.
2000年02期 45-48页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 112K] [下载次数:61 ] |[阅读次数:0 ] |[引用频次:1 ] <正> Video in language teaching offers exciting possi-bilities to train learners'communicative competence.This article introduces five different techniques in us-ing video in the language class so as to bring about in-teraction between video,students and teacher.
2000年02期 45-48页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 112K] [下载次数:61 ] |[阅读次数:0 ] |[引用频次:1 ] -
<正> 根据中国英语教学研究会第三届常务理事会筹备会(2000年4月24-25日在北京外国语大学召开)的决定,第三届中国英语教学国际研讨会将于2001年5月19-22日在北京外国语大学召开。论文征集主要面向中国英语教学研究会会员单位的英语教师(目前有英语专业的院校基本上都是会员单位)。应征人须在2000年11月30日之前(以当地邮戳为准)寄出500-800词的英文论文提要。中国英语教学研究会将成立专门的论文评审委员会对提交的论文提要进行审核,凡论文提要被采纳的,我们将发给正式的论文宣读邀请函。研讨会的主题确定为:21世纪的中国英语教育:理论与实践。具体讨论题目为:
2000年02期 48页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 39K] [下载次数:23 ] |[阅读次数:0 ] |[引用频次:0 ] <正> 根据中国英语教学研究会第三届常务理事会筹备会(2000年4月24-25日在北京外国语大学召开)的决定,第三届中国英语教学国际研讨会将于2001年5月19-22日在北京外国语大学召开。论文征集主要面向中国英语教学研究会会员单位的英语教师(目前有英语专业的院校基本上都是会员单位)。应征人须在2000年11月30日之前(以当地邮戳为准)寄出500-800词的英文论文提要。中国英语教学研究会将成立专门的论文评审委员会对提交的论文提要进行审核,凡论文提要被采纳的,我们将发给正式的论文宣读邀请函。研讨会的主题确定为:21世纪的中国英语教育:理论与实践。具体讨论题目为:
2000年02期 48页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 39K] [下载次数:23 ] |[阅读次数:0 ] |[引用频次:0 ] -
<正> With the rapid development of silicon chip tech-nology,web-based instruction(WBI)and computer-ized adaptive testing(CAT)will be the new trends inthe field of language teaching and testing.We assumethat only when teaching and testing share the sameview about the nature of language and language learn-ing can testing exercise a beneficial backwash effect onteaching.However,WBI and CAT prove to be basedon opposite theories of language and language learn-ing.While WBI believes in constructivism,CAT cor-responds to structuralism and behaviorism.This situ-ation places language testers in a dilemma,for if theyfollow the trend,testing will go against teaching.Butif they give up CAT,it is very difficult to substituteanother testing system possessing so many advantages.This paper illustrates in detail why WBI and CAT areto become the new trends in teaching and testing,ex-plains clearly the discrepancy between WBI and CAT intheory and their objectives and finally attempts toprovide a solution to help the language testers out ofthe dilemma.
2000年02期 49-53页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 129K] [下载次数:46 ] |[阅读次数:0 ] |[引用频次:1 ] <正> With the rapid development of silicon chip tech-nology,web-based instruction(WBI)and computer-ized adaptive testing(CAT)will be the new trends inthe field of language teaching and testing.We assumethat only when teaching and testing share the sameview about the nature of language and language learn-ing can testing exercise a beneficial backwash effect onteaching.However,WBI and CAT prove to be basedon opposite theories of language and language learn-ing.While WBI believes in constructivism,CAT cor-responds to structuralism and behaviorism.This situ-ation places language testers in a dilemma,for if theyfollow the trend,testing will go against teaching.Butif they give up CAT,it is very difficult to substituteanother testing system possessing so many advantages.This paper illustrates in detail why WBI and CAT areto become the new trends in teaching and testing,ex-plains clearly the discrepancy between WBI and CAT intheory and their objectives and finally attempts toprovide a solution to help the language testers out ofthe dilemma.
2000年02期 49-53页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 129K] [下载次数:46 ] |[阅读次数:0 ] |[引用频次:1 ] -
<正> A COMPETITIONDo you work in higher education?Do you teach on an MA course?Do you teach post-graduate students?Do you train teachers?Do you want to know what's going to happen to the English language or the Chinese language in the 21st century?If you have an-swered yes to any of these questions,then you may be interested in the competition below:THE COMPETITIONSend an interesting teaching idea on using the book"The Future of English?"with your students.The aim of the competition isto encourage the sharing of teaching ideas and the prize is a free class set of"The Future of English?".If you already have a set,wewill send some copies of the British Council publications:"The Language Machine"or"The Internet and ELT".Ideas should be sentthrough email to ma.zhigang@britishcouncil.org.cn by the end of November.
2000年02期 53页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 29K] [下载次数:158 ] |[阅读次数:0 ] |[引用频次:0 ] <正> A COMPETITIONDo you work in higher education?Do you teach on an MA course?Do you teach post-graduate students?Do you train teachers?Do you want to know what's going to happen to the English language or the Chinese language in the 21st century?If you have an-swered yes to any of these questions,then you may be interested in the competition below:THE COMPETITIONSend an interesting teaching idea on using the book"The Future of English?"with your students.The aim of the competition isto encourage the sharing of teaching ideas and the prize is a free class set of"The Future of English?".If you already have a set,wewill send some copies of the British Council publications:"The Language Machine"or"The Internet and ELT".Ideas should be sentthrough email to ma.zhigang@britishcouncil.org.cn by the end of November.
2000年02期 53页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 29K] [下载次数:158 ] |[阅读次数:0 ] |[引用频次:0 ] -
<正> This article presents some practical approaches inteaching Business English to freshmen of the Continu-ing Education College.It introduces three attempts inmatching the students'situation with the teachingtasks,combining teaching with practice,and givingstudents periodic tests and a variety of test formats in-stead of only giving one test at the end of the term.Itis shown,through the practical attempts,that theapproaches are effective.
2000年02期 54-58页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 111K] [下载次数:107 ] |[阅读次数:0 ] |[引用频次:0 ] <正> This article presents some practical approaches inteaching Business English to freshmen of the Continu-ing Education College.It introduces three attempts inmatching the students'situation with the teachingtasks,combining teaching with practice,and givingstudents periodic tests and a variety of test formats in-stead of only giving one test at the end of the term.Itis shown,through the practical attempts,that theapproaches are effective.
2000年02期 54-58页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 111K] [下载次数:107 ] |[阅读次数:0 ] |[引用频次:0 ] -
<正> Zheng Min(Maggie):Initiation of the discus-sion topicDear Mr.Ma,I'm very sorry for this late initia-tion of discussion topics.Just come from one countyof Inner Mongolia near the city of Chi Feng.There isreally a lack of competent teachers of English in ruralareas,and in astonishment I saw many who barelyspeak English teaches English in middle schools.Asfor the topic of discussion,I'd like to focus on learn-er's motivation,which is a vital factor in successfullearning.It is well known that motivation is classi-fied by Gardner & Lambert(1972)into"integrative"and"instrumental"ones.Other categorization in-
2000年02期 59-64页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 158K] [下载次数:84 ] |[阅读次数:0 ] |[引用频次:0 ] <正> Zheng Min(Maggie):Initiation of the discus-sion topicDear Mr.Ma,I'm very sorry for this late initia-tion of discussion topics.Just come from one countyof Inner Mongolia near the city of Chi Feng.There isreally a lack of competent teachers of English in ruralareas,and in astonishment I saw many who barelyspeak English teaches English in middle schools.Asfor the topic of discussion,I'd like to focus on learn-er's motivation,which is a vital factor in successfullearning.It is well known that motivation is classi-fied by Gardner & Lambert(1972)into"integrative"and"instrumental"ones.Other categorization in-
2000年02期 59-64页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 158K] [下载次数:84 ] |[阅读次数:0 ] |[引用频次:0 ] -
<正> Articles must abide by the following rules,or they will be automatically rejected.1.Word limit per article:less than 3,000 words(less than 5 pages).2.Authors whose articles will be published in TEIC will receive a letter of acceptance.Contributors who do not receivesuch a letter within six months of sending in their articles are free to contribute them to other journals or publica-tions.3.In the year 2000 there will be four issues of TEIC,for which a subscription fee of 116 yuan must be paid.4.No money is earned from TEIC(in fact,a subsidy of 50,000 yuan is needed for each issue);therefore,no royaltieswill be paid to the authors of published articles.At the same time,the authors will not be required to pay a so-called
2000年02期 65页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 19K] [下载次数:16 ] |[阅读次数:0 ] |[引用频次:0 ] <正> Articles must abide by the following rules,or they will be automatically rejected.1.Word limit per article:less than 3,000 words(less than 5 pages).2.Authors whose articles will be published in TEIC will receive a letter of acceptance.Contributors who do not receivesuch a letter within six months of sending in their articles are free to contribute them to other journals or publica-tions.3.In the year 2000 there will be four issues of TEIC,for which a subscription fee of 116 yuan must be paid.4.No money is earned from TEIC(in fact,a subsidy of 50,000 yuan is needed for each issue);therefore,no royaltieswill be paid to the authors of published articles.At the same time,the authors will not be required to pay a so-called
2000年02期 65页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 19K] [下载次数:16 ] |[阅读次数:0 ] |[引用频次:0 ] 下载本期数据