- Li Ming ;
<正> This paper redefines the concepts of English as a universitydiscipline, quality education, patterns of training Englishmajors and the demand for them in the market. Through carefulanalysis the paper points out that it is difficult or unnecessaryfor English departments to shoulder the sole responsibility oftraining students "with multiple skills". The introduction ofnon-English courses into English departments is both shortsightedand misleading. One of the reasons why English departments inChina are eager to deviate from the norm of EFL teaching is thatthey fail to understand properly their own position in highereducation. The paper maintains that what English majors presentlylack is not the technical knowledge and/or skills for a particularjob but the ability to think creatively and adapt themselves to theever-changing market. The paper makes a prediction thatEnglish departments in China will sooner or later return to their"proper business" of teaching English language and culture.
2001年04期 2-5页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 164K] [下载次数:52 ] |[阅读次数:0 ] |[引用频次:1 ] - Liao Hongzhong;
<正> This paper examines the tertiary teaching English as aforeign language (TTEFL) in China. The author first reviewscurrent literature on how to improve China's TIEFL and thenpresents his own perspective and suggestions for TTEFL'simprovement focusing on adjustment of teaching goals, teacherimprovement and teacher quality control, learners' initiatives,language learning environment, assessment practice, andclassroom teaching practice.
2001年04期 6-10页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 162K] [下载次数:43 ] |[阅读次数:0 ] |[引用频次:2 ] - Zou Qiming ;
<正> The think-aloud method has been widely used in cognitivestudies, and in particular, in the studies of the on-goingprocesses in reading comprehension. It is an effective tool, ifused properly, in revealing how the reader processes the textinformation and solves his/her comprehension problems usingdifferent kinds of strategies during text processing. As a result,it allows us to have a glimpse of the reader's cognitive processesduring text processing that we cannot see under other situations,and allows us to find out the processing strengths of the reader aswell as the limitations and problems of his/her processingstrategies. Therefore, it can be useful in diagnosing students'reading problems. Although the think-aloud method is popular in cognitivestudies, it is difficult to manage. This paper offers somesuggestions on designing a program for diagnosing readingproblems to control the factors that affect the think-aloudperformance.
2001年04期 11-14页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 132K] [下载次数:197 ] |[阅读次数:0 ] |[引用频次:0 ] - Wang Qiyan;Fu Yanjun;
<正> One of the main features of a communicative English classis activities, organized by the teacher and conducted by studentsperforming certain functions and involving different topics. Theuse of activities has gained much attention. However, the linkbetween activities seems to have been ignored. This paper is anattempt to explore the role of cohesiveness between activities incommunicative teaching. The cohesiveness can be eithermechanical or dynamic. The key is that dynamic cohesivenesscontributes to the atmosphere and effectiveness of communicativeEnglish classroom teaching.
2001年04期 15-18页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 122K] [下载次数:39 ] |[阅读次数:0 ] |[引用频次:3 ] - Zhang Quan;
<正> This paper is to reveal some connotative differences inEnglish and Chinese. Ignorance of connotative difference mayresult in difficulty or even failure in cross-culturalcommunication. Therefore, the author proposes that somecomparative studies be made to find out, with the same referencein both English and Chinese, what connotations are shared byboth English and Chinese and what are unique either in Englishor in Chinese, as is illustrated in this paper, so as to contributeto teaching English in China. Finally, the author sincerelyhopes his discussion in this paper could sensitize the dictionarymakers or textbook compilers still further to the needs of theChinese learners of English. It is they, he believes, who needhelp the most from some such dictionaries or textbooks.
2001年04期 19-20+18页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 101K] [下载次数:41 ] |[阅读次数:0 ] |[引用频次:0 ] - Yan Jinglan;
<正> This paper discusses the question of the teaching of culturein a EFL class. With the open door policy, more and morepeople in China are learning English or some other language forvarious purposes. However, they often experience the frustrationof failure in communication with foreigners which can sourrelationships or business due to their ignorance of the targetculture associated with the language they are learning or havelearned. Therefore, Teach culture in foreign language classesand Learn a second culture while learning a second languagehave become new slogans, or to be exact, new tasks in the fieldof English language teaching in China. But how to teach andwhat to teach remain problematic. I hold that "central code" ofa culture i. e. people's way of life should be the focus in EFLteaching. Then choosing appropriate and authentic materialcontaining aspects of culture is of great importance. We shouldtake full advantage of mass media and multimedia materials andapproaches. At the same time we should also pay attention tothe cultural behaviour or belief of EFL teachers so as to makemore effective teaching.
2001年04期 21-24页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 127K] [下载次数:256 ] |[阅读次数:0 ] |[引用频次:10 ] - Li Hongyao;
<正> Guiding college students to acquire an adequate vocabularyis an important task that is often neglected. The morevocabulary hat is mastered, the higher level a learner of Englishwill have. But in China, the traditional method of teachingvocabulary is learning by rote, and learners of foreign languagesare inclined to learn as much vocabulary as possible this wayregardless of whether these vocabulary is useful or not. Indeed,there are some disadvantageous factors hindering the studentsfrom expanding vocabulary rapidly and efficiently. We have todevelop a scientific method of teaching vocabulary exploringmethods of which is the key to this article.
2001年04期 25-27页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 87K] [下载次数:202 ] |[阅读次数:0 ] |[引用频次:2 ] - Zhu Changhe;
<正> This paper aims at discovering what among communicativeability, linguistic ability and writing strategy most affectsEnglish writing ability of non-English majors at China's colleges.Through the analysis of communicative proficiencies andlinguistic proficiencies of four subjects obtained from theircompositions, it is found out that neither their communicativeability nor their linguistic ability is the key factor. Thus theauthor concludes that writing strategy may be crucial to Englishwriting. The preliminary conclusion is further confirmed withquestionnaires.
2001年04期 28-32页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 137K] [下载次数:187 ] |[阅读次数:0 ] |[引用频次:4 ] - Long Qianhong;
<正> Films are a very effective medium for language teaching,especially in teaching listening and speaking. This paperdiscusses the advantages of using films in teaching that course tonon-English majors. Finally the author introduces someworkable ways of using films in aural-oral classes.
2001年04期 33-35页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 90K] [下载次数:231 ] |[阅读次数:0 ] |[引用频次:5 ] - Chi Guangming;
<正> This article reviews the background and problems in theteaching of intensive reading (IR) to the students with non-English majors and proposes some activities for improving theteaching and learning process of the IR classroom. It is expectedthat with some applicable and effective activities, the teachercan help students read actively and grow into effective andindependent readers.
2001年04期 36-38+24页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 117K] [下载次数:64 ] |[阅读次数:0 ] |[引用频次:2 ] - Wei Lida;
<正> The teaching of extensive reading in the EFL class in Chinais important in that it fulfils two tasks: the development ofreading skills and the development of reading ability. Lack ofmodern teaching-reading theories and more advanced teachingmethodology hinders the effect of teaching extensive reading inChinese classrooms. To help solve the stigma, a four-stepapproach in teaching extensive reading is developed in this paper.
2001年04期 39-41页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 86K] [下载次数:72 ] |[阅读次数:0 ] |[引用频次:0 ] - Yang Yingming;
<正> This article explores the benefits of pair-drill interpretationexercises to combat the problem of interpretation on ChineseNational College campus where there is no English speakingenvironment, and a lack of realistic interpretation practice. Tocreate a lively atmosphere whilst practicing teaching English-Chinese oral interpretation, the teacher designed a system ofpair-drill interpretation scenarios and learning projects. Underthe teacher's guidance students pair up to practice interpretationboth inside and outside the classroom.
2001年04期 42-44+41页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 108K] [下载次数:61 ] |[阅读次数:0 ] |[引用频次:0 ] - Yang Mingguang;
<正> Young Learners English (YLE) teaching program is goingto be very popular in China. Although all the YLE teachers usean English textbook, there are some basic aspects concerningYLE teaching which are worth the attention of YLE teachersbecause teaching children is quite different from teaching middleschool students and adults. This paper discusses these importantaspects, gives some examples and shows seven tips for teachingpractice.
2001年04期 45-48页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 151K] [下载次数:135 ] |[阅读次数:0 ] |[引用频次:4 ] <正> 多年以来我国外语界前辈一直在争取加入国际应用语言学学会(Internatinal Association of AppliedLinguistics,简称AILA),但由于种种原因始终未能如愿。在多方的努力下,这一夙愿终于实现了。今年五月在北京举行的第三届中国英语教学国际研讨会期间,与会代表一致认为我国应用误言学研究发展很快,取得了很大的成绩,应该努力争取参加国际上这一权威性的应用语言学组织,以便更好地与国际上的同行进行学术交流,推动国内的应用语言学和外语教学研究。与会代表讨论了以什么名议参加AILA,由于我国尚未成立应用语言学学
2001年04期 48页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 55K] [下载次数:33 ] |[阅读次数:0 ] |[引用频次:0 ] - Gao Youmei;
<正> This paper discusses the necessity and feasibility of adaptingteaching styles to accommodate diverse styles in the process oflearning English as a foreign language. It also looks atdifferences in learning style between Chinese students andstudents of other linguistic and cultural backgrounds.
2001年04期 49-55页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 190K] [下载次数:296 ] |[阅读次数:0 ] |[引用频次:8 ] - Niu Qiang;
<正> If input plays a significant role in SLA, then the nextquestion is what kind of input is most helpful to the learner?Krashen (1982) defined that optimal input should (1) becomprehensible; (2) be interesting and/or relevant; (3) not begrammatically sequened; (4) be in sufficient quantity. Wemade some modifications to this list which may still not becomprehensive either. However, if the learner can be exposed toinput having these features, it is considered that acquisition ismore likely to occur. Such input should be comprehensible,authentic, attractive and interesting, interactive, up-to-date,culture-bearing, and in great quantity.
2001年04期 56-60页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 156K] [下载次数:79 ] |[阅读次数:0 ] |[引用频次:1 ] - Shi Yongzhen;
<正> This paper studies the reasons of the differences in students'learning outcomes. The research is based on the theory oflearner differences and second language learning, and the "GoodLanguage Learner" studies. It approaches the interrelationbetween learning skills and learning outcomes. Through adetailed investigation and discussion, this paper aims to presentwhat the students really want to get from their English teacher,and the general characteristics of successful language learnersand unsuccessful language learners, and to serve as a guide forEnglish learners, especially for unsuccessful learners. Twoexperiments were carried out in the research. One was CollegeEnglish Test Band 4, CET 4, which indicates the differences inlearning outcomes of students who were taught by the sameEnglish teacher. The other was a questionnaire to investigatelearners' differences in learning skills and learning habits. Theresults gained from the two experiments prove that there existsignificant interrelation between learning skills and learningoutcomes. The thesis is beneficial to both English teachers andEnglish learners.
2001年04期 61-64页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 112K] [下载次数:127 ] |[阅读次数:0 ] |[引用频次:2 ] 下载本期数据